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The Toddler Group is 18 months to 2 ½ years old, with an allowance for 3 children 12-18 months old.
The child to adult ratio is 1:5

The Toddler Room is designed with a variety of areas for different types of play. There are areas for quiet enjoyment of books and story times, puppet play, dramatic, and role-play activities. There is a gross motor and block play area where children can use gross motor skills to climb and build. Of course, we also provide a large area for ‘messy’ and creative play, where children use a mix of paint, water, sand, and other manipulative items to explore their creative personalities. The toddlers are encouraged to experiment using their fingers and hands.

The Toddlers have their own outdoor playground designed specifically for their developmental levels.

We encourage social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. There is plenty of time for both free play and structured play in the Toddler Program to encourage balanced learning throughout the day. Play is the way that we encourage the Toddlers to grow, develop and learn!

  • To ensure that each child feels valued and important.
  • To provide a place where each child can feel love, affection, warmth, and security.
  • To treat each child equally and provide equal opportunities for every child.
  • While maintaining appropriate supervision, allowing each child to be creative.
  • To use communication (verbal & nonverbal sign language) to provide meaning to all that we do.
  • To familiarize children to small group times, singing, looking at books, etc...
  • To give the child the opportunities to interact with adults and their peers.
  • To encourage the child’s sense of social awareness and knowledge relating to their world. 
  • To ensure that the child knows that the adults will look for the child’s readiness to perform and respond appropriately to it.
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