
Please click on the links below for more details about Child's Paradise Day Care Programs.

The Toddler Group is 18 months to 2 ½ years old, with an allowance for 3 children 12-18 months old. The child to adult ratio is 1:5 The Toddler Room is designed with a variety of areas for different types of play. There are areas for quiet enjoyment of books and story times, puppet...
The Preschool Group is 2 ½ years to 5 years old The child to adult ratio is 1:8 Everywhere you look there is something going on in the Preschool Room. Preschoolers are full of wonder and curiosity and are learning all the time. As the Preschool child gains the vocabulary and...
Nursery School
Child's Paradise Day Care licensed Nursery School & School Readiness Program runs from September-June. The Program runs Monday-Friday from September to June and is based on the School Board Calendar. Nursery School and School Readiness Programs do not run during snow days, PADays, and general non-school days. 9:15-12:00 and 9:15-2:45 9:15-12:00 Includes all arts & crafts materials, child learning toys & equipment, and a morning snack. Perfect way of introducing your child for group care and education 9:15-2:45 Includes the same as the morning program, with a warm nutritious lunch and more eductaional-based programming in the afternoon. A great way to get a head-start on concepts such as early literacy and numeracy/math. The Nursery School and School Readiness Programs are designed to prepare children aged 2.5-5 years old for school. The Programs enhance children's social, cognitive, self-help skills and independence. Children interact with each other in order to make the tr
The Kindergarten Group is 5 years to 6 years old The child to adult ratio is 1:13 Child's Paradise Day Care Centre has received approval to be a 'Bus Stop' for the Schools in the Town of Renfrew. As such, parents of children attending the schools within the Town limits (St. Thomas,...
Renfrew County Joint Transportation Consortium
The School-Age Group is 6 years to 12 years old The child to adult ratio is 1:15 Child's Paradise Day Care Centre has received approval to be a 'Bus Stop' for the Schools in the Town of Renfrew. As such, parents of children attending the schools within this zone (St. Thomas and Queen Elizabeth)...
Renfrew County Joint Transportation Consortium
School-Age Woodworking
School-Age Woodworking
Nursery School