| Child's Paradise at Renfrew County Place |
Welcome to Your Childcare Centre in Renfrew, ON.
We are delighted that you are considering becoming part of our family!
Our goal is to provide a high quality, nurturing and safe learning environment that will help the children to grow into wonderful, curious, and happy people. We maintain a structured daily program with scheduled meals; rest periods and activities because we believe children thrive best when their lives are predictable.
The children are exposed to exciting child-directed programs that include a variety of music, science, reading, arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor and free play activities, all designed to stimulate their physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth in a loving and comfortable environment.
We document the children's interests and activities through photographs and stories, which are posted throughout the Program Rooms and on Bulletin and White Boards throughout the Centre. We notify parents in advance when planned trips will take place so they can prepare the children for the day. (Regular walking trips exempt.)
As a partner in your child’s care, we will do everything in our power to keep the lines of communication open between parents and staff. Our interaction with parents is as important as our interactions with the children. Parents are welcome to visit and/or participate in our Centre at any time. We have set up a bulletin board and a Parent Board at the Main Entrance and post information and resources that we feel will be of interest to parents. Each child has a cubby or place for their belongings in the hallway close to the entrance to their Program Room. Feel free to call at any time during the day or to set an appointment with us to visit the daycare centre and/or to register your child(ren) in one of our Programs.
Please take the time to look through our website and the Parent’s Handbook section to ensure you understand the policies that are in place to help keep the Centre a happy environment for everyone involved. If you have any questions at all, we will be happy to go over them with you.
Thank you for considering Child’s Paradise Day Care Centre.
Marcinda Pinsent
Childcare Administrator