Some of our - Keepers of Dreams
Summer sprinkler play
Summer sprinkler play
childcare in Ontario links
The building of OBrien Location
Pics of the Centre now completed

The Association of Day Care Operators of Ontario

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The Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario has been the professional association for ECEs in Ontario for 71 years. We advocate for respect, recognition, and appropriate wages & working conditions for all ECEs. 

Our mission is to build and support a strong collective voice for early childhood educators (ECEs) so they can participate in and influence positive change that benefits ECEs, children, families, and communities. The AECEO serves our members and the ECE community by:


  • Building the capacity and leadership of ECEs to advocate for their profession and the children and families they care for.
  • Participation in advocacy and advisory towards the provincial government and other decision makers to promote the quality of programs through increased recognition and compensation for ECEs.
  • Raising and disseminating ECEs’ questions and concerns arising from new policies and programs and changes to current systems.
  • Collecting, analyzing and circulating relevant policy and research with a particular focus on implications and opportunities for the ECE workforce.
  • Supporting ECEs to connect with each other and to become more knowledgeable about the policies and systems that impact their daily work.
  • Working with partners to advocate for a high quality, publicly funded early childhood education and child care system that serves children from 0 – 12 years old, one that provides professional wages and working conditions for the ECE workforce.