2. Hours of Service and Holidays

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Base Day Mon-Fri 7:00-4:30

Extended Hours are 6:15-7:00 and 4:30-5:45.

Depending on the needs, the Centre may be closed for 1-2 weeks over the summer, 1-2 weeks over Christmas Holidays, as well as Automatically Closed on the following Holidays: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Civic Holiday, Thanksgiving Day, and Professional Development Day(s) such as MayDay.

Payment may be made by cash, cheque or email money transfer.
(Fees remain the same regardless of absence due to Statutory Holidays, holidays/vacations or illness).

30 fee for first NSF or returned cheque and further cheques will not be permitted.

Parents will receive one month notice of any upcoming rate increases

The Centre closes promptly at 5:45 p.m. In case of Emergency, parents are required to notify the Centre as soon as possible, if they are unable to arrive by closing time. A late fee of $1.00 for every minute that a child remains in the Centre after 5:45 p.m. will be charged. Time is calculated using clocks at the Centre. Continued violation of the Centre’s hours of operation and/or payment of late fees may result in termination of childcare services.

Children of staff members will have priority for childcare spaces when available.

‘Regular’ days & hours of attendance are agreed to & Childcare Contract signed upon enrolment.    

If parent requires a change to these predetermined hours/days of care, parents may make a verbal or written request to use additional childcare. If space allows, the child will be permitted to attend.

Parents are required to call/inform the Centre when the child is away (sick, vacation, etc)

Billing for any additional days/hours used beyond the predetermined days/hours will be billed at the beginning of the following month, along with Extended Care Usage.  

If the change is expected to be a permanent change of hours of attendance, a revision will be made to Childcare Contract.

If a child has been suspended from school or from daycare due to excessive behaviour, the child will be marked ‘sick’ on attendance and regular charge for ‘sick day’ attendance will occur.

2. Hours of Service and Holidays
Subsidy Information