Meals and Snacks Policy

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Good nutrition is an important part of our Program. All menus are planned and prepared according to the Canada Food Guide and as per the Ministry of Education Childcare and Early Years Act. Children are provided with two snacks and a mid-day lunch. The food is prepared on-site by a staff member certified in Safe Food Handling. The menus are posted at the front White Board. Children are provided with, but never forced, to try a variety of foods, and are encouraged to try everything that is served at each meal and may have several servings (up to the recommended serving size for their age/size) if they wish. If the children do not want to try lunch, the staff will respect their wishes. Mealtime is made as pleasant an experience as possible for the children. The pace is leisurely, and the children can take their time to enjoy their food. With the exception of Holidays, ‘junk’ food will not be served, desserts are instead nutritious fruits. Due to anaphylactic children and allergies, parents are asked NOT to send in food from home with their children.


If a child requires special foods/formula from home, special arrangements for religious or medical reasons can be discussed with the Administrator/Supervisor. Parents should also inform the Director/Supervisor of any permanent or temporary food allergies or restrictions and arrangements may be made to have these brought to the Centre. (All containers and food items that are pre-approved need to arrive at the Centre clearly labelled with the child name, and they will be stored appropriately within the Center)

Colour and Texture Matching
Colour and Texture Matching
Program Statement
Health Policy
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Daily Schedule
Activity Plan
Sample Menu