Program Statement

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Warm and Nurturing

Child’s Paradise provides outstanding childcare services in a bright and fun place where children feel safe to explore, and to learn and grow. As a licensed childcare centre in Ontario, the childcare programming is guided by the Ministry’s How Does Learning Happen (HDLH) Framework and the Educators in the Centre seek continuous professional learning and up-to-date knowledge of how children learn, attending workshops and conferences as available locally and on-line.

Our goal is to meet the needs of the parents and children and to enrich each child’s safety, emotional well-being, health, nutrition, and cognitive stimulation through inclusive daily routines, physical care, activities, and interactions.

The children form close relationships with the Educators and other adults in the Program. The staff offer warm consistent care to teach and nurture the children in a loving and respecting manner. Parents and children are encouraged to bring in photos from home and/or of other family members. The Educators value and respect parent views and realize that parents are the most important teachers for their children, aiming to foster positive relationships, maintain communication and support continuous learning between staff, children, families, and community partners. Staff document and reflect on the effectiveness of our programs. Children benefit from the open communication, cooperation and support between parents and staff. Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s day, discuss concerns and be a part of the Program.

Staff accept and include all children of all ages and abilities and focus on each child's individual abilities and successes. All children are treated with respect and dignity and are allowed the freedom to grow at their own rates, while encouraging them to interact and communicate in positive ways with their caregivers and with each other. Staff members support children in their learning process and develop activities that support individual ways children learn, planning activities that nurture their curiosity, support, and increase their abilities, and help children find creative solutions to problems. Pictures of the children engaged in play, learning stories that document the children’s experiences are posted on bulletin boards throughout the Centre and communication between parents and staff are promoted in person and via online communication apps. Our job, as caregivers, is to provide the children with the child-initiated and adult-supported experiences and an environment in which children are safe to explore and create; knowing that they will be successful asking questions, making discoveries, and by being themselves. There is dialogue between staff and children that support problem-solving and co-learning throughout the entire day. Children are viewed as competent, capable, and curious individuals that are rich in potential.

We, at Child’s Paradise, believe that balance and structure is needed in children's lives, and therefore incorporate indoor and outdoor activity, active and quiet play, and rest time to meet the needs of each individual child. We also believe, however, that children also need to have some freedom and a reasonable amount of control over their lives and learn self-regulation skills. Children will be encouraged to make choices and decisions whenever possible.

The Educators seek ways to connect the child and family to the Centre, other parents, the community, and others. Outside service providers and local community partners (librarians, firefighters, etc.) are encouraged to come into the Centre to enhance the children’s experiences. Parents are encouraged to complete yearly Centre Evaluations to document their childcare experiences and to help the Educators better meet the needs of the families and children that they serve and the community in which they live. 

The goal is to provide an enriching, all-inclusive environment which promotes happy, healthy, well-adjusted children that feel good about themselves, and parents that know that we care for and accept their children for themselves.  

Parent Involvement
We operate with an Open Communication Philosophy to provide a family environment.  Parents are welcome to visit the Centre at any time and in any location where their child will be receiving...
Renfrew County Child Care and Early Years
The County of Renfrew Child Care and Early Years Division offers child care supports and services to parents and young children throughout the county.   The Child Care and Early Years...
Compliance with Policies and Procedures of the Centre
 The Policies and Procedures at Child’s Paradise are in place to ensure that the Centre runs smoothly, securely, and safely and that the children’s days are filled with appropriate...
Supervisor Designate
 There will be a Acting Supervisor always assigned when the Regular Supervisor of the Centre is unavailable or off-site/absent. The Acting Supervisor can make official decisions on behalf of the...
Ages, Services & Rates
 Child’s Paradise has entered the Canada-Wide Early Years and Child Care (CWELCC) System.   APPENDIX 1 : AGES, SERVICES & RATES   Child’s Paradise has entered...
Cell Phone Usage Policy
 Child’s Paradise Daycare discourages the use of cell phones while staff are ‘on the floor’, working with the children. Staff are permitted to have cell phones on their...
 Smoking on grounds including the Childcare Centre is prohibited.
Code of Conduct Policy
Staff of Child’s Paradise Daycare are always to remain professional, in and outside of the Centre. This includes but is not limited to; events and functions within the community, conversations,...
Prohibited Practices
 This Policy forbids physical punishment and other harmful disciplinary practices to protect the emotional and physical well-being of children. The goal is to support the overall well-being of...
Behaviour Code
 It is natural for a child to feel angry in response to restrictions or interference. The child needs to know that he/she can assert themselves safely in our environment. The following are the...
Staff Qualifications
 In accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Education, all successful candidates for Early Childhood Educator positions will have their ECE Diploma and/or equivalent and be registered with...
Dress Code Policy
 Staff of Child’s Paradise are required to dress in a manner appropriate for the work. Clothing needs to be clean and in good shape (i.e no rips, tears, stains), and well-fitted....
Supervision of Volunteers and Placement Students
 At times throughout each year, the Centre may approve the placement of students in any or all the programs. This placement could be a one-hour placement or up to eight weeks. It is a great...
 Parents, staff, and visitors to the Centre are expected to park in marked parking spaces. Parking in front of the gate or along the playground fence/walkway is not permitted.
Integration Period
 Children who begin in our Toddler and Preschool programs require an integration period of a few days. Typically, the child visits for up to two hours on the first day, then spends a...
Vulnerable Sector Check Policy
 In accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Education, all adults (employees, volunteers, and placement students over the age of 18 years) who have direct contact with the children under...
Duty to Report
It is the legal responsibility of every person including volunteers, students, or support staff who have contact with the children in the childcare centre to report the suspicion of child abuse to...
 Information that is disclosed to the Centre regarding children and families is considered confidential. Request for any such information is to be referred to the Supervisor. The Centre may...
Parent Issues & Concern Policy
 Parents/guardians are encouraged to take an active role in our childcare centre and regularly discuss what their child(ren) are experiencing with our program. We support positive &...
Safe Arrival & Dismissal policy
This policy and the procedures within help support the safe arrival and dismissal of children receiving care. This policy will provide staff, students, and volunteers with a clear...
Taste test :)
Taste test :)
Program Statement
Health Policy
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Daily Schedule
Activity Plan
Sample Menu