Program Statement
Health Policy
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Daily Schedule
Activity Plan
Sample Menu

Health Practices

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All washrooms are sanitized after lunch time and as needed. The staff and Supervisor are responsible for maintaining an adequate supply of paper towels, soap, toilet paper, etc.

Children are to wash their hands with soap and water, after they have been to the toilet. They dry their hands on a paper towel, and then dispose the dirty paper towel in the garbage bin.

Toddler Diapering Procedure

ü  Wash hands. Put on gloves. Collect all items from child cubicle. 

ü  Obtain child from playroom.

ü  Wash the child diapered area with wipes as authorized by the parent. Dispose of each wipe into the diaper pail/garbage. If a child cannot be diapered accordingly, parents will be asked to provide the necessary items (i.e. wash clothes etc.). Such items should be put into a plastic bag, and then given to the parent to be laundered at home.

ü  Do not turn away from the child. Keep one hand on the child always.

ü  Wash child hands.

ü  Take the child back to play area.

ü  Return to change table and disinfect change table with Renfrew County Health Unit recommended sanitizing solution (1:10 bleach solution). Leave sanitizing solution on surface for a minimum of 30 seconds. Wipe with clean dry disposable paper towel.

ü  Wash hands with soap thoroughly for approximately 30 seconds.


All floors are swept, vacuumed and/or washed daily.


The counters and sinks are cleaned daily with disinfectant. Stoves, fridges and cupboards are cleaned daily. An industrial dishwasher or an approved deep sink method with Javex is used to clean all dishes and utensils. The cook or anyone preparing or serving food is to practice proper hand-washing and hot water, washing for approximately 30 seconds to ensure proper cleaning of hands.

Lunch Routine

Children wash their hands with soap and water before lunch and dry them off with a paper towel. After lunch, the children again wash their hands and then their face with individual face cloths. The cloth is then deposited in the laundry bin to be laundered.

Toys and Equipment

Toys and play equipment are disinfected weekly or sooner if they become soiled. Toys that have been placed in mouths are to be disinfected daily. Shelves and child cubbies are disinfected monthly.  

Cots & Linens

Cots are scrubbed down and disinfected weekly by a staff member or a volunteer. Clean face cloths are used every day. After lunchtime, they are laundered for the following day.

Sheets on the child cots are washed weekly. Blankets are washed monthly or as they become soiled. If a child is sent home ill, the sheets and blankets are washed immediately, and the cot is disinfected.

A small sleep ‘toy’ (no sound, noise, or lights) from home are to remain at the Centre and be washed with day care cot sheets and blankets.


Garbage is to be removed daily. Diapers are to be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in a closed container for disposal at the end of the day.

Other Hand washing Practices

Staff members are to practice proper hand-washing procedures after completing washroom routines with the children, before handling any food, prior to and after taking a temperature, before and after handling any pet, before and after administering first aid. ***Staff are required to wear plastic gloves when treating a child who is bleeding or requires any other form of First Aid***

Playground Area

All staff members are responsible for ensuring that the children tidy up the toys in the play area prior to coming inside. Paved areas should be swept daily, and the yard should be litter-free.