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Outbreak policy

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 Child’s Paradise Day Care Centre follows the outbreak control measures set by The Renfrew County Health Unit.

An Outbreak may exist when:

·       15% or more staff/children are absent at one time with an upper respiratory infection or vomiting and/or diarrhea

Actions Taken:

·       Determine how many staff/children have similar symptoms (i.e., diarrhea, vomiting, rashes, and respiratory symptoms).

·       Observe children and/or staff for vomiting and/or diarrhea. Record daily all individuals with vomiting/diarrhea (new and old cases).

·       Have available a current master list of all children and staff.

·       Follow the advice of Health Unit staff on ways to control the outbreak.

·       Ensure the collection and proper labelling of stool specimens from staff and children.

·       Report suspicions to the Infection Control Department of the Renfrew County and District Health Unit 613-735-8653 or 613-735-8654 during regular working hours, 613-735-9926 during evening and weekends. Renfrew County Health Unit will determine whether an outbreak has occurred/exists and what follow-up measures are required.

The Health Unit will have the following roles:

·       Consulting (provide daycare, parents, and staff with information on signs and symptoms, the incubation period, how to reduce the risks, and measures to control the outbreak)

·       Coordinating (coordinates communication between the daycare and the Renfrew County Health Unit and monitors progression of the outbreak)

·       Legislated Role (authority to require the daycare to exclude staff and/or children, require staff and/or children to submit stool, emesis, and sputum samples and be medically examined by a physician, require the daycare centre to follow specific outbreak control measures, and require the facility to close in extreme outbreak situations.

If an Outbreak has occurred, the following will be the exclusion policy until the outbreak has been lifted:

·       A child/staff has `Possible Case`(1 episode of diarrhea or vomiting) =return in 24hr if no further vomiting or diarrhea

·       A child/staff has a “Definitive Case” (2 or more episodes of diarrhea OR 2 or more episodes or vomiting OR 1 of each vomiting and diarrhea) =return after 48 hrs symptom-free.