Program Statement
Health Policy
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Staff & Child Illness Policy

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 The parent must fill out the medical and immunization forms from the Parent Package and sign where applicable. Staff are also required to provide immunization record, completed Health Assessment Questionnaire or clean bill of health. Please be aware that, besides the following, from time to time, there are additional health concerns that may arise, and your child might be asked to remain home as per the health guidelines from the city.


For everyone’s well-being, ill children and staff cannot be admitted to the Centre. Prompt treatment of any illness will facilitate the child and staff’s early return to health and to the Centre and will minimize the possibility of cross infection for the other staff and children. To ensure the overall health and safety of all the staff and children, stay home if there are any of the following symptoms:

§  Pain –any complaints of unexplained or undiagnosed pain

§  A common cold with listlessness, runny nose/eyes, coughing & sore throat. Once temperature, well-being, & energy have returned to normal, the person may no longer be contagious, and may be able to return to the childcare facility even though coughing and runny nose may still be present. A severe cough, runny nose & severe congestion are cause for a child not to be in care. If the symptoms (runny nose and eyes, coughing) are caused by a known allergy (hay fever, asthma), it is not contagious & child may attend.  

§  Difficulty in breathing –wheezing or a persistent cough.

§  Fever (temperature of over 101 F/40C or greater) accompanied by general symptoms such as listlessness or sluggishness –may be an early sign of an illness that requires a doctor attention.

§  Sore throat or trouble swallowing

§  Infected skin or eyes, any discharge from eyes or ears, or an undiagnosed rash.  

§  Headache and stiff neck –should be seen by a Physician.

§  Unexplained diarrhea or loose stool These symptoms may indicate a bacterial or viral gastrointestinal infection which is very easily passed from one person to another. Children should be kept home for 24 hours after the last bout of diarrhea or loose stool.

§  Nausea or Vomiting. Staff/children are to be kept home for 24 hrs after last bout of nausea/vomiting.  

§  Head Lice and Nits –Staff and children need to be treated and all nits/eggs, and live louse removed prior to return to the Centre. 

§  Any communicable disease

Prior to re-entry:

ü  A doctor certificate indicating the person is free of any disease: Scabies, Fifth Disease, German Measles, Hepatitis A or B, Meningitis, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis (Whooping cough), Scarlet fever, Tuberculosis.

ü  Exclusion for 24 hours after the child has been on medication: Throat infection, Middle Ear Infection, Pink Eye, Strep Infection,

ü  Exclusion until sores are completely scabbed over: Chicken Pox, Impetigo

ü  Exclusion for 24 hours from last bout: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever.

In Summary, a child must be kept home (or sent home) when the child:

§  Is suffering from one or more of the above symptoms, or

§  Is not well enough to take part in the regular programs of the Centre (It is a licensed requirement that all children play outside, weather permitting. Your child should return to the Centre well enough to participate in all activities. Children are not permitted to stay inside, as staffing does not allow for this), and

§  The child must be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to the Centre.