The Child Care and Early Years Act recommends that prior to a child starting in a Day Nursery should have a complete medical and up-to-date immunizations.. The parent must fill out the medical and immunization forms from the Parent Package and affix signatures where applicable. Please go over the Illness Section very carefully. Because children get sick without warning, parents are well advised to have a back-up child care plan in place..
For everyone’s well-being, ill children cannot be admitted to the Centre. We have the right to refuse to take a sick child into care and to determine when a child is too ill to remain in care. Prompt treatment of any illness will facilitate the child’s early return to health and to the Centre, and will minimize the possibility of cross infection for the other children.
In order to ensure the overall health and safety of all the children, we ask that you not bring your child to the Centre if he/she has:
a. An elevated temperature of over 101 F/40C or greater
b. Nausea or Vomitting within 48-hour period
c. Diarrhea (3 consecutive loose bowels) within 24 hours
d. Eyes/ears that have any kind of discharge
e. Visible rashes that have not been diagnosed by a physician
f. A severe cough, runny nose and/or congestion
g. Any communicable disease including: Impetigo, Coxsackie Virus, Fifth Disease, German Measles, Hepatitis A or B, Meningitis, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis (Whooping cough), Ringworm, Scabies, Scarlet fever, Strep throat, Tuberculosis. The child will be allowed back at the Centre following a doctor's examination and provision of a note indicating that the child is free of any disease.
h. Bronchitis or pneumonia
If your child becomes ill at the Centre and the child care staff considers your child too ill to be exposed to other children, the child will be removed from the group and the parent(s) notified. The parents are expected to make arrangements to pick up their child within the hour. In the event we are unable to reach you, we will call the emergency contact to pick up your child.
From time to time there may be additional health concerns that arise and your child might be asked to remain home as per health guidelines from the Renfrew County Health Unit.
It is a licensed requirement that all children play outside, weather permitting. Your child should return to the Centre well enough to participate in outdoor activities. Should your child develop a temperature of 101oF or higher during the day, the staff will contact you immediately. Your child must be symptom-free for 24 hours (fever) or 48 hours (nausea, vomitting, diarrhea) without medication before returning to the Centre.