About Child's Paradise

Cooperation Games
Cooperation Games

Child's Paradise Daycare Centre is a non-profit childcare facility within the Town of Renfrew, Ontario. Our Educators are members of your own community, and as such, we understand your needs, and value your opinions in how your child care is managed.

We are trained Early Childhood Educators registered with the College of ECEs and are certified in First Aid, AED, Anaphylaxis Management, and CPR (there is also an AED in the main building). We each have a strong commitment to providing high quality childcare services to the families in our care.

Our facility is wheelchair-accessible and we have many years of experience and/or training in sign language, the use of Picture Exchange Systems, child development, self-regulation and behaviour management techniques. We work closely with outside service provider to ensure that all children are capable of attending our Centre. Families of children with special needs are welcome to enroll within any of our Programs.

Program Statement
Child’s Paradise provides outstanding childcare services in a bright and fun place where children feel safe to explore, and to learn and grow. As a licensed childcare centre in Ontario, the childcare programming is guided by the Ministry’s How Does Learning Happen (HDLH) Framework and...
Safe Arrival & Dismissal policy
Parent Issues & Concern Policy
Duty to Report
Vulnerable Sector Check Policy
Integration Period
Supervision of Volunteers and Placement Students
Dress Code Policy
Staff Qualifications
Behaviour Code
Prohibited Practices
Code of Conduct Policy
Cell Phone Usage Policy
Ages, Services & Rates
Supervisor Designate
Compliance with Policies and Procedures of the Centre
Renfrew County Child Care and Early Years
Parent Involvement
Health Policy
The Child Care and Early Years Act recommends that prior to a child starting in a Day Nursery should have a complete medical and up-to-date immunizations.. The parent must fill out the medical and immunization forms from the Parent Package and affix signatures where applicable. Please go over the...
Staff & Child Illness Policy
Playground Safety
Sunscreen Use & Sun Safety Tips
Accident & injury
Serious Occurrences
Administration of Medication
Health Practices
Outbreak policy
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
At Child’s Paradise Daycare Centre we believe that children have the right to attend the childcare centre of their choice and the parents are integral to a successful integration process into childcare. We will make every attempt possible to be responsive to the needs of the children and...
County of Renfrew Integration Services
Canadian Human Rights Act
Daily Schedule
The children at Child's Paradise Day Care Centre are in a structured environment with structured times for routines and transitions. The purpose of the structure is to allow the children to feel a sense of security, but we are flexible in our schedule in order to allow the children a feeling of having some control over their lives. During free play times and throughout the day, children are encouraged to make age-appropriate decisions and choices.
Outdoor Play & Inclement Weather Policy
Field Trips
Sleep and Rest Time
Toilet Training
Activity Plan
This week’s theme is:   Dental Health Activity/ Day Circle Time Block Area Dramatic Play Area ...
Sample Menu
Parents are free to discuss any concerns regarding food allergies, food preparation, and food preferences. In addition, Child's Paradise welcomes food and beverage suggestions for our weekly menu. Children need proper food and nutrition for good growth and development. We follow the Canada Food Guide on a rotating 4-Week Menu. Our on-site cook is certified in Safe Food Handling and prepares a morning and afternoon snack, as well as a hot lunch. There are no fried foods or junk foods such as candy permitted to be served.
Anaphylactic Policy
Child's Paradise Menu
Link to Canada Food Guide
Meals and Snacks Policy
Some of our - Keepers of Dreams
Outdoor water play
Outdoor water play
Program Statement
Health Policy
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Daily Schedule
Activity Plan
Sample Menu